Print a copy of these rules, get lots of alcohol and some mates
around, watch all the films and drink whenever the rules occur.
The rest is up to you…
Drink whenever someone
asks 'what is the matrix?' Drink twice if the same character then
answers the question.
Drink if anything happens
in slow motion.
Drink if a hero survives
being shot.
Drink if Neo says 'Woah!'
Drink if anyone says
'I believe'. Drink twice if it's The Kid.
Drink whenever someone
acts on a hunch.
Drink every time someone
jumps further than they should be able to.
Drink every time someone
says that something others consider impossible will actually work.
Drink whenever bullets
are dodged with superhuman powers, twice if they're stopped mid-air.
Drink if The Oracle
tells Neo absolutely nothing except, essentially, "You already
know the answer".
Drink whenever someone
eats something tasty in the matrix.
Drink whenever Neo starts
Drink whenever an individual
or group "jacks in" to the matrix.
Drink every time Agent
Smith takes over someone else's body.
Drink every time a main
character is only wearing white.
Drink every time squiddies
are detected by humans.
Drink every time someone
is impaled on something but the camera angle prevents you from
seeing it going in.
Drink every time Neo
rescues people at the last possible moment.
Drink whenever Neo is
referred to as Mr Anderson.
Drink whenever an EMP
is activated.
Drink whenever anyone
answers the phone with 'Operator'.
Drink whenever anyone
checks who they're speaking to on the phone; 'is that you?'
Drink whenever something
portentous is said and then followed immediately by lightning.
Drink whenever we enter
a fetish club. Drink twice if two women are kissing.
Drink whenever the main
characters enter an empty corridor.
Drink whenever the Oracle
puts out a cigarette, drink twice if the camera makes this look
really important for no apparent reason.
Drink whenever a modern
computer displays information only in bright green.
Drink whenever anyone
rambles on and on about ‘what is the matrix’.
Drink whenever Agent
Smith complains about the smell.
Drink every time you
see the human-egg farm place.
Take a drink whenever
a black cat walks past twice.
Take a drink when someone
sees something in/claims to be able to read the raw code.
Take a drink every time
Neo or Trinity dies.
Drink every time somebody
says that Morpheus is insane or foolish for believing in Neo.
Drink when Trinity first
appears in a new outfit.
Drink when you see a
close up of reflections in Morpheus’s glasses.
Drink whenever a character
gets a new skill uploaded to them.
Drink when any of the
main characters take a ride in a car.
Drink every time Neo
does the, ‘come here/bring it on’ hand movement.
Drink every time you
say a line from the films. Drink twice if it involves spoons.
Drink every time a character
or group of characters up/downloads into or from the matrix while
in a budget friendly position off-camera, accompanied by flashing
lights and the sound-effect.
Drink every time an
inanimate object in the Matrix behaves in a way that is contrary
to its usual physical properties (bending spoons, half-liquid
mirrors, walls/glass ripples).
Drink every time a human
body smashes something noticeably harder than it (eg. concrete
Drink anytime two main
characters kiss on-screen. Twice if it's not Neo/Trinity.
Drink every time a large
portion of a city is shown from an aerial view.
Drink every time Neo
and Agent Smith square off one-on-one.
Drink every time someone
says "That's impossible!" Drink twice if that event
then comes true less than five seconds later.
Drink every time the
camera pans up a woman's body.
Drink every time you
see a man's naked bottom.
Drink every time a fight
scene lasts more than five minutes. Drink twice if it lasts more
than ten.
Drink every time someone
takes off/puts on a pair of wraparound sunglasses.
Drink every time someone
laughs maniacally.
Drink every time a character
with a silly name stolen from a mythical figure appears for the
first time.
Drink every time a child
confuses Neo.
Drink every time The
Kid makes a heroic sacrifice, saves the day or recites a hackneyed
Drink every time there's
a reference to events that were only seen in the Animatrix or
the computer game ‘Enter The Matrix’.
Drink every time a main
character first appears onscreen wearing a piece of torn/frayed
clothing that they ‘just didn't have time’ to darn.
Drink every time the
disgruntled geezer that doesn't like Neo states this opinion.
Drink when you spot
a pretentious religious reference. Twice if it’s Nordic.
Drink every time you
get a shot of Neo's body jacked into the matrix, jerking around
in the seat.
Take a drink every time
a pair of sunglasses gets broken. Drink twice if this seems to
be the ultimate insult to the wearer.
Drink every time Morpheus
takes off his trench coat.
Drink every time a woman
is wearing make-up outside of the matrix.
Drink every time you
see a 'rogue program' that appears to be East-/Asian.
Drink every time main
characters are travelling in the opposite direction to everyone
Drink every time they
use a lift.
Drink any time anyone
makes a reference to a pill (red or blue).
Drink whenever a main
character flicks open the front of their coat.
Drink when calls are
made on mobile phones.
Drink every time someone
says the word 'choice' and you have no idea what they’re
banging on about.
And finally… Drink
whenever you mistakenly say that others should be drinking.
endList: > :
#Connected in 1.2389seconds to 'What is The Matrix Drinking Game?'
Thanks section:###
Many thanks to
the members of my forum who contributed their ideas and support
to the creation of this game. Drink sensibly, if you’re getting
alcohol poisoning then just bloomin’ well stop. I’m
not going to get blamed for you being daft.
Thanks to: acidteardrop,
Sir_Psycho_Sexy, monkey_called_narth, MistressAlti, VVes, Weary
Traveler, candice, phoenix, WeeJ, Mingtea, Mr Fuzzy, the lil' pie
fairy, ravein, Pab, Oni Usagi, Polocrunch, gerbilfromhell, Jonman,
Jaq, FurryMammal, CommieBastard, MrBrick, Goddess of Wheee, Prince
Aries, Fred, and leopold.
What is the Matrix Drinking Game by Mata @
You are allowed to distribute these rules wherever you like but these credits must remain on there otherwise I'll get the squiddies on you, and that goes twice for the dedication. I mean it.